


Lisa Scruggs, Attorney at Law (“the Firm”) maintains this website to provide general information about the Firm and its attorneys and legal services provided to its clients. The Firm has prepared the materials on its website solely for informational purposes and not as legal advice.  

Persons viewing information through this website should not rely on any of these materials without consulting legal counsel. The Firm does not accept requests for legal advice or offer legal advice through this website. The review of information on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are interested in retaining the Firm to provide legal counsel, please call (662) 620-4844. Before entering an attorney-client relationship, the Firm must determine if the proposed representation creates a conflict of interest.

Links to third-party websites are provided only as a convenience and not as an endorsement. The Firm does not control those sites and is not responsible for the information on any linked site. Use of any linked site is subject to the applicable terms and conditions.

The Firm makes no representations or warranties of any kind (express or implied) as to the information on this website.  The Firm disclaims all other guarantees, warranties, conditions and representations (express or implied). The Firm (including its members, officers, employees, agents or affiliates) shall have no liability (directly or indirectly) to you or anyone else, for any claims, losses or damages (direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive) resulting from or caused by the creation of, use of or reliance on information displayed on this website or any linked third-party websites.

References to areas of practice for an attorney do not indicate any certification or expertise.